Weather in Montefiore dell'Aso
Temperature & Weather in the 5 provinces of Le Marche (updated live)

Typically, the weather in Le Marche has warm days from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months. However, given that Montefiore dell’Aso is situated on a hilltop at 412 meters (1,351.7 ft.) altitude near the Apennine mountains it often benefits from a cool breeze.
The climate in Montefiore dell'Aso is warm and temperate.
The best time to visit the region in terms of the weather is the summer as there is little rainfall and the temperatures are reliably warm or even hot.
There is a fair amount of rainfall here during the rest of the year, especially in the autumn, and this is what gives the landscape its verdant, lush look and makes the region so fertile.
The summers are lovely, with an average temperature in July and August of a comfortable 28-29˚C (82-84˚F). This is also the driest time of the year.
In the winter the coldest month is January, when the temperature can get to a minimum of 2˚ C (35˚F), but averages around 4.5˚C (40˚F)