Local Feasts and Festivals
Montefiore dell’Aso - l’Infiorata (May)
There are many colourful and atmospheric festivals held each year in Montefiore, but one of the most eagerly-awaited by visitors and locals alike is the Flower festival, the ‘Infiorata’.
Montefiore naturally has a particular connection with flowers; the origin of the name probably comes from the Goddess Flora, who was a rural divinity worshipped by the local pre-Roman population. Although there are several other flower festivals in the region and beyond this festival is unique in that it is much more extensive than the rest.
It extends for a distance of 2,000 metres through the streets of the historical centre.
Another unique feature is the wide and ever growing variety of natural materials used in its creation. Each year teams experiment with different elements including sawdust, leaves and seeds to create their elaborate images. They also make a point of laying the design directly on the road surface, with no underlying sketches or templates!
It is held over a weekend in early June when the flowers are at their best, but preparation goes on all year round. It is centred around the parish church of Santa Lucia, but many other organizations are involved in making sure that each year it is as splendid as it was the previous year, if not more so.
At 9.30 on the Saturday evening all the roads in the ‘Centro storico’ (historic centre) are closed to enable local people to create the astonishing 2,000m long carpet of pictures made up of individual petals, laid directly on the road surface. This is then jealously guarded until 8.45 the following evening, when mass is celebrated in the church of Santa Lucia, followed by a solemn procession of the ‘Corpus Domini’ through the streets of the town.
Each year a theme is set, and groups (made up of young people, volunteers, businesses, and other institutions) design their own section of the floral display. The whole community is involved in the festival. Only the central display in the Piazza della Repubblica is actually created by professional local artists.

Montefiore dell’Aso - La Maialata (August)
Pork meat in all forms!
Along with the Infiorata, this is the other major social event in Montefiore.
This event is organised as a fundraiser for the local ambulance service, and attracts hundreds of hungry visitors.
It is held in the impressive old town centre and offers stalls with pork products of all descriptions, including sausages, ribs, chops, salami – the list goes on.
All can be eaten with local polenta, homemade bread and, of course, the local red wine, the Rosso Piceno, produced from grapes grown on the surrounding hills. A glutton’s heaven on earth! Lots of fun and entertainment for adults and children is also on offer.

Montefiore dell'Aso - Astronomy (August)
Each year “Le Notti di Pelagallo” (Pelagallo Nights) is held towards the end of August to commemorate this eminent local academic (who was also the Procurator General of the Silvestrine order of monks). The sky at this time of year usually offers a crystal clear view of the moon and Saturn.
The event is curated by Engineer Oronzo Mauro and Prof. Giampaolo Valori, who put their own telescopes at the public’s disposal for the event, but people can also bring their own telescopes and binoculars for a guided tour of the heavens.
The event is particularly appropriate for children, but it is also very exciting for adults.
Location: Belvedere A. De Carolis, Montefiore dell’Aso (AP),
Free entry.
Info: oronzo.mauro@tiscali.it

in Montefiore dell'Aso

in Montefiore dell’Aso

in Montefiore dell'Aso
Montefiore dell'Aso - Carnevale Montefiorano
The carnival in Montefiore dell'Aso has been a tradition since 1981. From that year (the only "stop in 1990") in the two days (Sunday and Shrove Tuesday)) the old town grew up thanks to a cheerful and crazy parade of allegorical wagons and masked groups from all the regions in the area. Music, dances and masked groups celebrate until dusk when the wagons enter the old town between the wings of a celebrating crowd. Organized by the Pro Loco in collaboration with the Municipal Administration, there are about 8 allegorical wagons between those built by the people of Montefiore dell'Aso districts and the exteriors.

Montefiore dell'Aso - Sagra della Frutta
The Festival takes its origins from the ancient Peach Festival born in 1955 at Montefiore dell'Aso. The new name was born in 1989 when the first “eno-gastronomic” (i.e. food and wine tourism) event for the appreciation and promotion of Valdaso fruit was organized at Parco de Vecchis. The event is rich and varied, usually organized in the last weekend of July, promoted by Pro Loco Montefiore.
There are many typical dishes that can be tasted with different fruit-based recipes. There are four restored dining areas, the Locanda Flora with local specialties and fruit-based dishes, the Arena Canta magna e bbeva with street food, the Winery of the Rliccati with aperitifs and snacks and the Chiosco de li Clandestini dedicated to after dinner.
This festival also offers entertainment with live music, children's shows, DJ set and guided tours, fruit market and display of fruit decorations and amazing fruit carvings.

Pro Loco of Montefiore dell'Aso