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Montefiore dell'Aso Calendar of Summer Events 2022

18th to 19th June

20th Annual Infiorata di Montefiore dell'Aso

9th July 9pm

Artidea Arte e Teatro, Spaziarte, Polo Museale (organised by Stefania Pasquali)

10th July

Festa Rionale Santa Maria della Fede

16th July 9pm

L'Urlo della Farfalla, Parco de Vecchis (organised by Cesare Catá)

17th to 24th July

Montefiore con Gusto

17th July

Le Pentole Narranti di Alfredo Laviano, presso Mercato dei Freschi, Via Ghibellina

22nd July

Lo Smemorato (organised by Nuovo Settemmezzo of the Ripatransone Theatre Company)

29th, 30th and 31st July

Sagra della Frutta

30th July

Marameo Festival del Teatro per Ragazzi "Cenerentola in Bianco e Nero" (organised by Proscenio, Teatro Polo Museale)

8th August

Elephant codex dancing visions, set audio visual, Polo Museale

9th to 13th August

Sinfonie di Cinema, Rassegna d'Arte cinematografica, Polo Museale (organised by Giancarlo Basili)

15th to 19th August

Maialata in Piazza

28th August

Festa Avis

4th September

Festa Carabinieri in Congedo

9th to 11th September

Taia the annual international art expo

18th September

Fiera Grande d'Autunno

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