Regional Museum:
The Country Life Museum
Grottazzolina (Province of Fermo)
Directions from Montefiore dell'Aso to The Country Life Museum - 63.6km - 39.6mi (58 min)

In the outskirts of Grottazzolina, a small town 12 km west of Fermo, is an interesting, peculiar private museum, having a curious history.
On entering it, a hall evokes, through original artefacts, the family life in Le Marche countryside in the last 120 years, paced by the rhythms of nature.
Each month brought different, works, needs, religious events, and has in this museum a dedicated stand, where you can also notice the talent and creativity farmers performed in making and using their own tools.
Other halls welcome you into the workshop of a blacksmith, a primary school classroom, a pre-school classroom, a grocery shop, a tavern, a dressmaker’s, the studio of a dentist, a cobbler’s shop and much more!In the last 35 years, Mr. Lauro Lupi has collected a considerable amount of objects that for a long time were part of everyone’s life, and that progress hadapparently swept away. Still the kind of life and value they evoke, in a richness of details, are a great teaching about a society based upon a simpler and reliable technology, but also genuine human relationships.
Please contact Marco Rotunno:
Mobile: 39 333115 9316
Website: Marco Rotunno
63845 Province of Fermo
Opening hours
Guided visits, also in English, by appointment